What a coincidence that this subject came up. I was just called a couple of days ago by John Rousseau (I am guessing at the spelling of his last name) of the Contemporary Music Society (or the Contemporary Record Society, I thought I heard it both ways in the course of the conversation) of Philadelphia. Apparently they are looking for composers to participate in a Canadian Composers recording. He said they have been in existence for 28 years. He invited me to submit some of my works for consideration, though he didn't know that most of my output has been jazz-related. I have no idea where he got my name, and I asked him, and he didn't know either, he said it was given to him and told to call. I guess he is a volunteer, or an admin assistant of some sort.
He DID say that they were a non-profit group, and I would need a grant. This is where my meters went to red. I have little experience in this kind of business, but it kind of sounds like any composer who can arrange and supply their own financing can get onto a recording, like vanity publishing.
Now, I have no objection to vanity publishing (meaning I pay for my own recording, manufacture, and distribution, and keep all control and profit (hah!) in the process, I've done this more times than I can count) but does this arrangement sound like a cash grab to you more experienced guys? Or is it possible that word of my modest (very modest!) reputation got down to the States to some list that Societies of this nature have access to, and it is a real request?
I live in Philadelphia, and I've never heard of these people. Of course, they've probably never heard of me either, but still I'd proceed w. caution were I you.
-- Andrew Stiller Kallisti Music Press
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