At 1:27 PM 09/21/03, David W. Fenton wrote:

>Most of the exploits of the past 2-3 years have depended on the idea
>that a human would execute them in order to infect the local machine.
>This is one of the reasons why I trash all HTML email messages (this
>is the best single spam filter there is), because I don't want to run
>the risk of an HTML email message managing to execute something
>inappropriate. I also think HTML email is an abomination that should
>not exist in the first place, but that's a position that is simply
>not shared by many people.

For what it's worth, that position is shared by me.

Having your computer process executable emails is like teaching your young
child to answer the phone and do whatever the person on the line asks.

The email message doesn't destroy your computer -- any more than the evil
stranger sticks a fork in your kid's eye.  The email message just tells
your computer to destroy itself, and some computers (Microsoft-trained
ones, for instance) are stupid enough to do whatever anyone tells them to


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