Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 11:35:00 -0700 From: Eric Dannewitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

David Horne wrote:
 > I've only recently upgraded to 2003. I was incredibly happy with 2000-
 but finally decided to go for the upgrade, mostly for the slurs. (2004
 looks like it will be OS X only, so I'm not going _there_ anytime soon.)

Well, no. It is going to run in OS 9 as well..........

Yes, someone emailed me about that. I think I just read "OS X" and skipped. I don't have OS 9, but I wouldn't be surprised if it works under 8.6. I'll wait until the demo is available.

Hmm, it works on mine............

Are you using the same OS?

are you sure it's updating the screen?
Maybe check the screen redraw options?

Did all of that.


Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 14:39:58 -0500 From: Richard Huggins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm using 2003 on Mac OS 8.6 and, as documented,

Sorry, when you say documented, do you mean it's in the documentation as a 'feature' or is it a bug? In 2k, the spacing/update is invoked simply by moving to the next measure within speedy. For several reasons, I prefer this.

Auto Update/Spacing is not
invoked when Speedy moves from one measure to the next. But when anything
causes the Speedy frame to go away, Auto Update/Spacing should take place,
including if I click on MM tool while the frame still is showing.

OK, what you wrote gave me an idea. I never click on MM. I've been using a macro programme for ages, so usually don't click on tools with the mouse. If in speedy, I use the macro for MM, no spacing/update. If I _click_ on MM, then it works. However, tools which I've programmed in Finale don't have this problem. So, I assign ctrl-G for articulation tool- if I press ctrl-G while in a speedy frame, it works.

By the
way, did you test this by clicking outside the frame (not clicking on
another tool while the frame is showing)? If so, are you saying it didn't
update or re-space?

Yes, that works fine.


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David Horne  |
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