Someone (I believe it was Andrew) was asking for fixed line widths as a way of 
achieving more consistency between staves of different sizes on the same page. I 
recently discovered that Finale is already partway there.

I've often wondered why Finale added the "Staff Height" option to system scaling. I 
recently discovered the answer. If you use a staff height (which may be fractional 
EVPU) and leave the percentage at 100, then the lines retain their 100% width. (This 
applies to staff lines. I haven't yet tried stem lines or hairpins.) What this 
provides is

A) Another reason to use system scaling instead of page scaling.
B) The ability to produce (e.g., orchestral) scores with varying system scaling that 
nevertheless have the same line widths, as if drawn from the same pen.

I think to go the rest of the way, what we should be asking for is a staff height 
option on individual staff scaling. This would achieve the other half of this 
requirement (like pno chamber music): the ability to have consistent lines within 
systems that have varying staff sizes.

Robert Patterson

Finale mailing list

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