At 01:00 PM 9/26/2003 +1000, Matthew Hindson Fastmail Acct wrote:
There is still no scroll view.  You realise how good it is to be able to
enter notes without page layout constantly taking place when, for example,
the bar you're working on suddenly jumps off the screen because it's been
pushed to the next system.

To me, that is a complete deal-breaker. Whenever I have tried to use SIbelius, I get so mad I want to put my fist through the screen. It seems like no matter where I'm headed with the mouse, the object moves right before I can click it, and where it goes is a complete mystery. It is like some tortured game of whack-a-mole. Completely impossible to use with any productivity, from what I've experienced. Apparently there are people whose brains can cope with all this jumping around nonsense, but not me.

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