On Fri, 03 Oct 2003 21:57:27 -0400, "Dennis Bathory-Kitsz"

> It's not about the pedal A, it's about the attitude -- "we'll change
> whatever the composer wrote / whenever it's a bother to play the note."

Then, there is the "we'll change what the composer wrote, because they
couldn't have meant what they wrote" attitude. Happened to a student of
mine a couple of days ago. During the rehearsal of (quite a dense)
orchestral piece, the vibraphone player insisted on playing everything
with pedal, despite the extremely clear (and frequent) reminders in the
part to play nearly all of it _without_ any pedal. It was ruining the
musical effect, and the conductor wasn't catching it- there were enough
other mistakes keeping him occupied, I suppose. My student managed to
have a word with the player during the break, and things were fine by the
evening's performance. The comment from the player was interesting
though- "Oh, I didn't play it without pedal because I've never played
anything on the vibraphone without pedal before." This is a player who
will presumably go on the job market in a few years...

David Horne  |  www.davidhorne.co.uk
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