Oh...DUH to me... All you have to do is UNcheck "Avoid Margin Collisions" in
the Page Layout menu, then in the Edit Systems box set the left value to a
negative number.


> From: Steve Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2003 00:15:29 -0400
> To: finale mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Finale] Help with moving initial left barline
> I would like to make use of the space in the left margin. I want to increase
> the space in the first bar to allow for a variety of possible time
> signatures and key signatures (I'm creating a template for a client). The
> first bar would be about a centimeter longer than the subsequent 3 bars on
> the 4 bar line, but I want to steal the extra centimetre from the left
> margin. I have tried a number of as yet unsuccessful alterations to the
> document parameters, but I don't understand the way this layout thing is set
> up. I have set up the document so that no time or key signatures are
> printed. Some of the staves are also without clefs to allow for a variety of
> possibilities in percussion and solo instruments. Thanks for any help.
> Steve Farrell
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> Finale mailing list
> http://lists.shsu.edu/mailman/listinfo/finale

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