I have a Digi 002 Rack. I'm not sure what it is you are wanting to do. Is it just to 
use the Digi as a MIDI interface for Finale? If so, I would recommend waiting for 
Finale 2004 (announced for the end of this month).

The problem here is that Protools 6 (which is required for the 002R) only works in 
OSX. Furthermore, it is highly allergic to Classic. But Finale 2003 only runs in 
Classic or OS9.

If you don't need the 002R's MIDI interface, then there is no problem running Finale 
2003 or Protools 6 as need be. You can't do it at the same time, though. Protools 6 
eventually dies a horrible death if you launch Classic simultaneously, and the 
Digidesign website expressly disrecommends it. Digidesign typically disrecommend 
anything that triggers a bugs. (This is their standard bug fix.) I have come to 
believe that Digidesign hates its customers more than any other company on earth.

Jane Hammond wrote:
> Hello
> I use Finale 2003a on PC and after some agonizing I am about to change 
> over to a Mac and set up with a Protools 002 rack. I was hoping there 
> might be a Finale lister out there who might already be using this 
> combination and have some tips or comments about any problems/issues 
> they have encountered especially in regard to playback of Finale files.
> Jane
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Robert Patterson


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