Christopher writes:

Dear Finale Listers,

One of my students who uses Speedy ENtry only is having trouble with something in 2002 for Windows that I can't seem to solve.

He is entering triplets in 4/4, and can't get 1/4 - 1/8 triplet nor 1/8 - 1/4 to work, especially at the end of a measure. He has entered them as 1/8 triplets with two eighths tied together, but this is not optimal. When he deletes one of the notes (the middle one of the triplet grouping, so as to preserve the grouping) then tries to change it to a quarter note, it doesn't work if the tripet is on the 4th beat of the measure.

What is he missing? Simple Entry seems weird to me, and I have never used it, but I know some users can go like lightning with it. Can anyone help?



The way I do triplets that involve eighth - quarter or quarter - eighth is to set up the triplet with Option (Alt?)-3 then enter two eighths. While Finale is waiting for the third eighth, use the back arrow to move the cursor to whichever of the two eighths should be a quarter and type 5. This seems to work in all cases including the final beat of a 4/4 bar.

I hope this works for your friend.

Harold Owen
2830 Emerald St., Eugene, OR 97403
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