At 4:45 PM +1100 11/06/03, Michael Edwards wrote:

[Christopher B. J. Smith:]

I couldn't figure out how to make sure
that everyone read partial measures correctly (three dotted quarter
rests? A dotted half rest and a dotted quarter rest?

I would write it the same way I would write the equivalent tied notes. If
I came across a piece in 9/8 which required a single note lasting the full bar,
I would expect to see a dotted minim tied to a dotted crotchet.

There exists a perfectly clear convention for rests AND notes lasting an entire measure where the measure is longer than 4/4; for rests it is a whole rest, for notes it is a double (barred) whole note |O| like that. This would not apply to half measures, which have to have the exact rhythm marked. That's why I gave in and wrote it in two bars of 9/8 instead of one of 18/8.

Or the undotted equivelants: quarter rest/eighth rest three times, or a half
rest, a quarter rest, and then quarter rest eighth rest, not very good?)

This does seem a bit too complicated: the first is too many rests in a row;
the second just a bit complicated to add up.
I accept that the ban on dotted rests is rather dubious, and certainly
unnecessary; but I do tend to be a little reluctant to use them.

I would only use them in triple metre, and only where understadning is enhanced by their use. This example we are talking about seems to be one of those times.


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