I think SS will do what you need. It copies the staves by position, not by number. So if 4 staves exist in the source and 4 in the target, the names and positions in the target should be overwritten with those from the source.

d. collins wrote:

Robert Patterson écrit:

With Settings Scrapbook, you can't copy the names without also copying the staves. But SS will only add as many staves as necessary. Were you planning somehow to use the names *without* the staves? Finale's UI doesn't seem well-suited to this.

Thanks, Robert.

Yes, I have a bunch of files where the staves aren't named, or have a wrong name, in the wrong font, in the wrong place. I was hoping I could open a file with the same staves - say soprano, alto, tenor, bass and continuo - and copy only these names, with their font and their placement into all of these files without having to edit staff by staff each one.


-- Robert Patterson


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