the last note my first trumpet is playing is very long one. about 50 seconds
long, for which he will need the circular breathing technique. it is written
using two character-W-(shift) slurred and "fermated" notes, as the first 30
seconds the sound is sustained along an evolving computer generated sound,
and the las 20 seconds the sound goes from open to closed (it's using a
harmon mute). would you think it's safer to make it clearer? how should i
word the expression in proper english?(note that beside the fermatas i've
indicated the sustain time).
thanks in advance for any help and advice,
best regards

What I would do is this:

after the first fermata: "circular breathing!"

after the second: "poco a poco muta... in... +" if you've been using the plus sign to indicate the closed sound. If not, try "dampen mute poco... a... poco" or "muffle sound poco... a... poco"

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press
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