This is a special communication dedicated to the 
next Open Workshop of the MUSICNETWORK it is an 
activity of the AHG of MPEG on Music Notation Requirements.
Sorry for multiple reception of this message.

Paolo Nesi

Call for Contribution 

3rd MUSICNETWORK Open Workshop
MPEG AHG on Music Notation Requirements
13-14 of March 2004, Munich, Germany

located at:
Technische Universität München, Germany: 

The Open Workshop of MUSICNETWORK is at its third edition. The modeling of 
 music notation/representation is a complex problem. Music representation can
 be used for several different purposes: entertainment, music education,
 infotainment, music archiving and retrieval, music querying, music
 production, music profiling, etc. In the current Internet and Multimedia age
 many other applications are strongly getting the market attention and most of
 them will become more diffuse of the present applications in short time. End
 users have discovered the multimedia experience, and thus, the traditional
 music models are going to be replaced by their integration with multimedia,
 audio visual, cross media. At present, there is a lack of Music
 Notation/Representation standard integrated with multimedia. The aim of this
 workshop is to make a further step to arrive at standardizing a Music
 Notation/Representation Model and Decoder integrated into the MPEG
 environment, that presently can be regarded as the most active and powerful
 set of standard formats for multimedia consumers. 

 This 3rd Open Workshop is collocated with the MPEG meeting which starts its
 activities in the same location the following Monday. This MUSICNETWORK Open
 Workshop is mainly focused at the standardization activities of MPEG and in
 particular on the work performed by the AHG (Ad Hoc Group) on Music Notation

 The Open Workshop is organized in three different activities or 
 sub-workshops. The contributions to the mentioned activities have to be proposed
 with a short summary within the 31st of January, 2004. 

 The workshop goal is to arrive at finalizing a call for technology in the
 MPEG standardization committee on the basis of the work performed by the AHG
 and in the Open Workshop. The technical proposals received will be discussed
 for their presentation and finalization at the workshop. 

 Music Notation/Representation and its Decoding, 13th and 14th of March

The topics of this activity are strongly related to the past activity of the
 AHG on Music Notation Requirements 
Proposals for the workshop and thus the related discussions have to
 be mainly focused on:

--Music Notation/Representation requirements 
--Music Protection and Distribution
--Music Description and its usage on Archive Query

Please Contribute with your work on the above topics, for details see the www
site of the workshop:

**Submission of Contributions and Proposals**
Submissions of Contributions for the above described workshops and topics can
 be performed in any moment within the last date of the 31st of January 2004
 in their abstract and preliminary version. After that date the contributions
 will be discussed and the authors will have the possibility of improving them
 up to the final version that will be discussed at the workshop. We suggest to
 the contributors to submit the improved version of the contributions as MPEG

The contributions have to be sent by email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

All the submissions will be published in the MUSICNETWORK web site. If you
 don’t accept this constraint you have to explicitly state on the document.

 The MUSICNETWORK organization will invite and economically support a large
 part of the experts involved in this activity according to the aims of the
 Grant received from th European Commission. The selection will be performed
 on the basis of the contributions and experience. The assignment of the
 support will be communicated within the 10th of February, 2003.

**Registrations for the activities **
· The registration to the MPEG AHG mailing list (reflector) is free of
 charge and can be performed by sending a request via email to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please do this as soon as possible since most of the
 preparatory discussions about the workshops will be performed on the AHG
 mailing list.  

· The registration to the MUSICNETWORK forum and activity is free of
 charge and can be performed direction on the www site of the MUSICNETWORK: Most of the discussions will be
 performed on the Working Group Forums in the site

· The registration to the Open Workshops in Munich is free of charge
 (as to all the MUSICNETWORK workshops). Please perform the registration to
 allow us to organize catering and services at the best and in advance. The 
 registration can be performed on the www site of the MUSICNETWORK for one or
 more of the sub-Workshops. Please perform these registrations within the
 deadline of the February 20.

The registration to the Open Workshops does not include the registration to
 the MPEG meeting, which is regulated by the MPEG:,, and 
In more details: 

The accommodation has to be performed by each single participant. The list of
 hotel is reported in the next www page:  
Finale mailing list

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