For any MIDI data associated with specific notes, there must be actual notes
in the leftmost visible measure when you double-click its staff for that
particular staff to be selected.  Otherwise, the next staff below it with
notes in the leftmost measure will be selected.  If you're not in scroll
view, the results are very unpredictable (at least I can't predict them).
This has been a bug in Finale forever, AFAIK.  The workaround is to scroll
horizontally while in the MIDI Tool until the staff you want to edit has
notes in the leftmost measure.  I have reported the bug in the past but have
given up in the last few years.  Maybe if others report it as well...?


> -----Original Message-----
> Of Mr. Liudas Motekaitis
> Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 4:28 AM
> To: finale list
> Subject: [Finale] MIDI data editing
> Very often when using the Midi Tool to edit data such as velocity, upon
> double-clicking the staff I want to edit, a staff is actually chosen which
> is either above or below the one I wanted. This happens in both edit and
> page views.
> Anybody know about this and how I can keep this from happnening?
> Thanks,
> Liudas
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