Actually, we just had this discussion with Bob Florence. Though I'm sure Robert's plugin makes this easier, I question the wisdom of having two sets of measure numbers for repeated sections in the first place. I know this is an old manuscript convention, but I don't see what advantage is gained by doing things this way. What's wrong with calling out "Let's start in bar 5, but take the second ending?" To me, that's a lot less confusing than having two different measure numbers which apply to a single bar.

- Darcy


Brooklyn NY

On 15 Feb 2004, at 02:27 PM, Chuck Israels wrote:

Here's a question for plugin developers:

Is it practical/possible to create a plug in which will renumber measures, taking into account first and second endings? In other words (a simple example), you have a 32 measure form in which the first 8 measures and measures 17 through 24 are identical; you could make measures 9 - 16, and 25 - 32, into first and second endings; then you could number the first region twice - 1 - 8, and 17 - 24 (being careful to end the first region at "real" measure 8, and the second set of numbers at 16), start a new number region at what looks to Finale like measure 17, start numbering there at 25, and all is logical. Of course, this requires a horizontal offset for the second set of numbers in the first region and a lot of counting of measures to do it successfully. Imagine a succession of choruses of "Sweet Georgia Brown", ABAC - in which A sections in each chorus are identical.




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