On 16.02.2004 10:54 Uhr, Giovanni Andreani wrote

> Hello, this looks strange; what do you think about it:
> In Options > Document Options > Repeats, I've set the heavy line thickness
> to a different value than the factory settings. After viewing the score I
> realized that the backward repeat line was thicker than the forward line. I
> finally 'solved my problem by double clicking, within the measure tool, the
> measure with the backward repeat and selected Barline: Invisible. That
> reduced the global thickness of the barline bringing it to the desired
> measure. I just asked myself: "Am I missing something once more?". Has
> anyone came up to this before?

Yes, I routinely do this for repeat bar lines. It is a little annoying that
this still hasn't been fixed. I am not sure whether this qualifies as a bug
or just an annoyance, but it's worth reporting this now to MakeMusic,
perhaps we'll see it fixed in 2k5.


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