On Feb 19, 2004, at 6:02 PM, Richard Yates wrote:

Sorry, but I apparently do not understand how what you want to do is
different from what Change--Tuplets does.

What he wants is to be able to use Change -> Tuplets with all the settings entered to match his Default Tuplet Definition. For a single tuplet definition, the Reset button does that, but in Change -> Tuplets, the Reset button instead sets all parameters to no change.

What would be helpful is if there were a second button under Change -> Tuplets that sets all parameters to match the default, but there isn't. As it stands, to do what Brad wants to do, one must call up the Default Tuplet Definition, make a note of all the settings, then re-enter the same numbers and checkboxes under Change -> Tuplets. That's a lot better than changing each one individually, but still not as convenient as it might be.


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