In fact, the first two options "Cautionary Accidentals" and "Cautionary Naturals" are incorrectly named. The first option concerns accidentals (sharps, flats or naturals) within the same measure and the second option concerns accidentals (sharps, flats or naturals) in subsequent measures. Both options check for accidentals in different octaves and there's no way to turn this feature off.

I find that the best way to have all sharps and flats show up is to turn off "Check Accidentals" in Speedy entry. That way, the music is already entered with an accidental on every altered note and you don't need to bother with a plug-in. This also avoids any possible problems with parentheses. I'm afraid I have no idea why the plug-in should put parentheses on existing accidentals and I don't know of a way to automatically remove the parentheses.

Best wishes,

Michael Cook

At 21:51 -0500 20/02/2004, Darcy James Argue wrote:
Hi all,

I'm working on a piece where all the sharps and flats in a measure are signed, including repetitions. No problem, I should be able to use the Cautionary Accidentals plugin with the following settings:

- Show accidentals on: Courtesy Accidentals.  ("Parenthesize" is UNchecked.)
- Reset after: 0 meausres
- Auto Freeze accidentals
- "No cautionaries on repeated notes" UNchecked.

For the most part, this delivers what I want, except for two anomalies:

1) When there is e.g., an F# in one octave and an F natural in another octave within the same bar, this plugin adds courtesy naturals. (In some cases, I might *want* that, but then I'd check the "courtesy naturals" option. That's not what I signed up for here.)

2) For very mysterious reasons, the plugin occasionally parenthesizes pre-existing accidentals. This often happens in measures that shouldn't be affected at all by the plugin -- for instance, a measure containing only a single note, e.g., a Bb. The behavior is very unpredictable -- I can select multiple staves with identical music, and the plugin will only add the superfluous parentheses to one of the selected staves.

I've seen this on MacFin 2002 and 2003, and it's the same with both Coda's Fin2003 Cautionary Accidentals plugin, and Tobias's Cautionary Accientals TG (which I understand are one and the same).

I haven't checked it out in Fin2004 yet -- anyone know if it's fixed?

Also, anyone know of a way to globally remove *all* parentheses on *all* accidentals in a piece? It's a real pain to go through the score and hunt for the stray ones created by invoking this plugin.

PS This is with "Display Score in Concert Pitch" checked, with the staves set to chromatic transposition. Historically, the Courtesy Accidentals plugin has not handled this score setup very well at all, but I thought those problems had been solved? Perhaps not.

- Darcy


Brooklyn NY

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