On 7 Apr 2004 at 13:27, Keef wrote:

> >> Now, the thing I would have done was to call up support and email
> >> them the file
> >
> >What makes you assume I didn't?
> Oh just the simple fact that they might have told you the same thing. . .

First off, I don't write to WinSupport until I've confirmed that a 
problem I'm having is reproducible. Until I received notice that one 
other person experienced the same crash with the file, I didn't see 
that there was much point in writing to them.

Second, WinSupport doesn't have instant turnaround, so I can't have 
expected to hear from them yet.

As to phoning them, you've got to be kidding.

> and since you didn't want to accept that as a possibility or
> likelihood, . . .

Uh, your "explanation" came after I'd already written to WinSupport.

> . . . you come to us looking for someone who'll tell you what
> you want to be told, . . .

No, I was asking if anyone else experienced the same problem. Most 
people didn't. Of course, most people weren't running WinFin2K3 
(which was most relevant), so I wasn't expecting those people to 
replicate the problem.

> . . . rather than how to fix the problem (and the
> problem is in case you'd forgotten that during a write operation to
> the drive involving Finale there was blockage). . . .

Eh? What are you talking about? There's no write operation involved. 
It's entirely onscreen.

> . . . And the action to
> take was first to see if you can salvage the file and then more
> importantly to prep your system so that it doesn't happen again.

What are you talking about? You clearly have not comprehended the 
problem I was reporting, so your suggestions can't possibly be on 

> It is possible that you yourself were responsible for the interruption
> during the write process (like having Windows force the program closed
> in its various ways or a manual reboot), and you're rather
> conveniently not chinning up to that possibility.  I was discounting
> this on what little good faith I had.  

What in the *world* are you gibbering about? The problem I reported 
worked like this:

1. open the file that's on my website.

2. navigate to measure 452.

Finale crashes.

There is no write to disk.

There is no save.

There is no manual reboot.

There is no forced quit.

> If support couldn't get the file back in the way I described, you
> *lose.*  You can put a bag over your head and scream if you like.

You clearly are very, very confused.

> >As to the rest of your message, I have nothing to say. 
> Good.  I look forward to rendering you speechless in the future. 
> Seems like it might be a good thing.

You're complete lack of reading comprehension almost leaves me 

> >You are simply wrong that the symptoms described along with all the
> >different things I described could possibly have been caused by a
> >problem in the file system of my computer.
> >
> >Wrong.
> Okay.  I'm wrong.  Good. . . .

You've demonstrated above that you didn't even understand the problem 
I reported.

> . . . Doesn't matter whether I'm wrong or right. 
> Telling me so won't fix the problem, or suddenly keep you from being
> an unappreciative excuse for a git.  You lose and you'll have to do
> some real work I'm afraid. . . .

I've already worked around the problem, as I reported on the list, 
and I'm finished working with the file right now. I reported it to 
WinSupport, and asked the other person who experienced the crash to 
report it as well (along with his Dr. Watson log), so WinSupport 
could diagnose it. The common factor was not the OS (I'm Win2K, he's 
WinXP), but the video cards in both case being ATI (though I'm using 
MS's drivers -- I don't know what he's using).

> . . . Spend your time how you wish because after
> all, you're always right and everyone else is always wrong, and I'm
> not the first person to notice that.  I'm willing to bet my eyeteeth
> that when your system does go down (and it will) everything will run
> smoothly once you get it back up and running until you screw with it
> again.  .


David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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