On Apr 16, 2004, at 10:25 AM, David W. Fenton wrote:

Well, strangely enough, I liked the old way Finale copied music -- it
copied clef changes by default (I'm talking about the COPY EVERYTHING
For me, the old way was far preferable, because I copy "horizontally"
a lot more often than "vertically."

I too prefer clef changes to copy by default. I'm almost always copying either to the same staff or to another staff with the same clef situation.

In any event, I'd sure prefer it as an option for COPY EVERYTHING. I
guess I could do it by choosing COPY ENTRY ITEMS and selection COPY
ALL, but I'll never remember to do that!

Wow, thanks for the tip. For some reason I had it in my head that copying clef changes was just not possible, so all this time I've been re-entering them after a copy. It never occurred to me to go looking for a way to do it. I guess I just figured if it wasn't done under "copy everything" there wasn't going to be a selection for it, since "everything" should be ... well, everything. Now that I know, I'll try to remember to go in and choose all entry items whenever I'm copying a passage with clef changes.

I have no recollection of it working differently in past versions. I made the upgrades for 2k0 and 2k2. The 2k0 was a while ago, but not that far back, so I think the change was probably between 97 and 2k0.

I can see how others might prefer the other way, so obviously it's good to have the choice. It would be nice if somewhere in the Options there were a check box for "Copy Everything does/doesn't include clef changes".


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