I've seen that often if both notes had black noteheads (e.g. 8th and quarter, 16th and 8th) as long as the stems went in opposite directions.

David H. Bailey

Phil Daley wrote:

At 5/17/2004 12:26 PM, Harold Owen wrote:

 >I was really pleased to find that Finale now allows you to avoid the
 >collision of unisons only when the noteheads are different. That
 >solved the problem of half notes and quarter notes sharing the
 >notehead position. However, there should be a way to have noteheads
 >with dots separated from those that don't - especially
 >quarters/dotted quarters and half notes/dotted half notes. The way to
 >do it would be to have Finale consider dotted noteheads different
 >from un-dotted noteheads.
 >What think you, collected Wizdom?

In my opinion, any score that had two notes of different duration sharing the same notehead would be an error.

Phil Daley          < AutoDesk >

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