
thanks, works fine. I don't have Sibelius, myself, I just tried it out at a friend's computer that has it. I didn't look in the manual but just fiddled around a bit. But I see there is, like in Finale, more depth to find in the program. However, befor I buy it I will have to evaluate some more.
I have been using Finale a loooong time and I can do everything I want except - EPS export...


At 01:16 27.06.2004, you wrote:

Kurt Gnos wrote:

> BUT: I found no function to export a selection, I could only export a page.

Select the bars you want to export, then when you go to Save as Graphics, make sure the 'Selected systems' radio button is checked.

> I found no function to edit the size of a single page to separate the
> symstem(s) I wanted to export, I could only edit the margins of all pages,
> and not very confortably, either.

You don't need to do this to export graphics, because you can just select the systems you want, but it's easy to create e.g. system breaks (select a barline and hit Enter on the keyboard) or page breaks (select a barline and hit Ctrl+Enter) as desired. You can also drag either end of the system to indent it, if necessary.

> I found no function to alter the size of a staff, or some bars, or single
> notes - is this not possible in Sibelius?

Try the Layout -> Document Setup dialog.

> So please, Coda, don't make me use Sibelius too much.......

I use both Finale 2k4 and Sibelius. Both programs are perfectly fine, but you do have to get used to the particular way they work. Sounds like you could do with spending a little bit more time with the Sibelius manual...

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