
>I think you may have been misinformed on something.  We currently
support EPS files on both platforms.<

No, you do not. Why do you say that? You do not support EPS export for
Windows XP and 2000 which account for 67% of the Windows OS versions
currently in use.

>I am not aware of any place where we have stated that EPS support would be
delayed until 2005.<

I did not say that you had. I said that you would have no further 2004
updaters before 2005 was released. You have ignored my point which is that
apparently the BEST you can do is to include EPS  support in Finale2005.

If you are saying that EPS support will not be included for Windows XP even
in Finale 2005, then I certainly will not buy it.

>Hope this addresses your concerns<

No. It does not.

It did not address my question as to whether I would have to pay for
Finale2005 when Finale 2004 does not work in essential ways that it used to.

Richard Yates

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Yates [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2004 6:56 PM
To: WinSupport
Subject: PostScript

Hello MakeMusic,

I have been following the discussions on the Finale Forum and shsu
listserv. I have used Finale for more than ten years, have had five
volumes of music and 25 journal articles published using it, and have
occasionally served as beta tester.

The problems with EPS and PS are an embarassment.

I am on Windows and have previously (albeit with hopelessly complicated
workarounds) been able to make and send EPS files of pages to my
publisher who has a MAC and who imports these into PageMaker or such.

On 2004 and Windows XP we have been unable, despite hours of trial and error
to make
anything work. I have been reduced to hacking into the headers of
Finale2004 ETF files so that I can import them into Finale2003, then
clean them up and make EPS files.

Now I hear that this will not even be fixed with a maintenance updater
but that the next Windows release will be version 2005.

Does this mean that I will have to pay you again to regain essential
functionality that YOU lost in a version that I already paid for? (Of
course, I am assuming that you fix it even then -Finale's EPS and PS
functions have been erratic at best for years.)

The whole situation is simply outrageous.

Richard Yates

P.S. Please do not bother sending a response unless it honestly
acknowledges the problem and offers some real information. If I get
another fake-cheery and disingenuously clueless answer you may push me
over the edge into Sibelius-land - I have never been closer.

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