On Fri, 09 Jul 2004 18:04:13 +0200, Johannes Gebauer
> On 09.07.2004 17:37 Uhr, Harold Owen wrote
> Really? Now that is strange, because the bug I reported was actually due to
> something else, and should _not_ be in the release version of 2k4c. The
> problem was with the updater not updating properly due.
> In other words, there is no bug in the 2k4c release version as far as I can
> see now. I am sorry I caused so much confusion.


How were you able to get the release version of 2k4c to install if
you've already got the pre-release installed? I tried it, and it
wouldn't run. Then again, I was pretty much convinced that the two
versions were exactly the same... is there something different? And is
there a trick to installing the release version over the pre-release?

Brad Beyenhof
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