On 14 Jul, 2004, at 12:57 PM, Allen Fisher wrote:

You'll need to use the MIDI tool.

Set the swing in the playback controls to NONE.
Click the MIDI tool
Select the first section that needs swing.
MIDI Tool Menu-->Alter feel
Alter backbeats by 171
Set to absolute
Click OK

Repeat with the other sections that swing. Tempo shouldn't matter

More detailed instructions:

First, in the MIDI menu, you need to make sure that "Note Durations" is checked.

Next, do not alter backbeats by "171." Somewhere between 90 and 140 will work better -- slower tempos need a larger number and vice versa. But 171 is far too much even at the slowest tempos.

Personally, I think Finale's approximation of swing is effectively useless, but if you insist on using it, something considerably less than a 2/3:1/3 ratio (which is what you get when you alter backbeats by 171) will sound comparatively better.

The other thing you can do with Alter Feel is to select the swing section with the MIDI tool, select "Key Velocities," then "Alter Feel," then "Backbeats," then enter something between 105-115% of original.

Keep in mind, this whole endeavor is like trying to get a dog to walk upright.

- Darcy

Brooklyn, NY

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