David Bailey wrote:

> VHS is the "best man?"
> Esso was the "best man?"
> CDaudio is the "best man?"

Good grief.  There's no way to respond to this (except to say that, despite the fact I 
myself owned a Betamax video, the real reason VHS was the "best man" was that you 
could fit a whole movie onto a tape, something it took Sony years to put right on 

> Rarely does the truly "best man" win.  Most often the wealthiest to 
> start with wins, or the one who removes the competition by whatever 
> means possible (usually not the result of a free marketplace) wins.
> But then, maybe that's what you mean by "best man."

There are dozens of counter-examples to this.  Was Microsoft the wealthiest to start 
with, going up against IBM?  You can argue it both ways until you're blue in the face.

But what doesn't help anybody is baseless theorizing about conspiracies that may or 
may not exist.  Fact is, MakeMusic and Sibelius *are* competing on a level playing 
field.  Both companies have a lot to offer to educators.  Both companies seem to be 
working quite hard to win the hearts and minds of teachers in high schools and 
universities.  Good for them!  And I don't see any evidence that either one is likely 
to wipe out the other any time soon.

I also don't see any evidence that either one of them is engaging in particularly 
underhand tactics.  But, hey, I don't know everything -- and maybe I'm just not 
looking hard enough.  Anybody seen any black helicopters over Eden Prairie recently? 

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