I don’t know what most of you do for a living – but evidently it’s closer
akin to complaining and moaning than actually using Finale.  2005 must not
be that bad after all, since you’ve decided to devote as much space as you
have to your political rantings.

I’m certainly appreciative of our little on-line community, but never ceased
to be amazed at all of the hot air expended here on politics and even Finale
issues from the same listers over and over.  Stop bitching and get to work!

"So much space"? There were -- what? -- about ten messages that were explicitly political. If you think that's excessive, then you just don't get out much. Honestly, have you looked at ANY newsgroup on the Usenet? As online communities go, the Finale List is unusual in its relative lack of political discussion, and even the little flare-up we just had was an anomaly. <<

It's so simple to just add "TAN" or "OT" to a subject line if you don't like reading what people are writing. Everyone here is very cooperative about it, and once someone mentions that they'd like a an off-topic thread to be marked as such, such a request has always been accommodated

I think it's much worse to send nasty little comments about the fact that you don't like what people are talking about. Filter it out, don't read it, etc. If we were all in the same room together, I don't think a comment like "stop bitching and get back to work" would be considered appropriate, nor would any kind of unpleasantness. Why introduce rudeness here when it is so totally unnecessary?

Nobody is being deprived of their human rights by a little political discussion.

Crystal Premo

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