On Sep 6, 2004, at 3:43 PM, Christopher Smith wrote:

On Sep 6, 2004, at 2:39 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

In Preview, the green maximize button zooms the window width to fit the width of the document at your current magnification level -- which is completely consistent with the way this button has always worked on the Mac, even in OS 9. For instance, in both the OS 9 and OS X finders, clicking the maximize button on a Finder window will *not* make the window zoom to the full size of the screen -- it will zoom to the smallest size window that will show all the icons in the current folder.

So, if you increase the magnification in Preview (cmd-click the toolbar to customize it and add the "Scale" field), then click the maximize button, it will do the same thing -- it will give you the smallest possible window that still fits the whole page on screen. If the magnification is too big to fit the whole page on screen, it will give you the smallest possible window that still fits the width of the document (so you only have to scroll up and down). If you set the magnification so big that you can't fit either the height or the width, it will zoom to full screen and do the best it can.

Ah, that's a lot more clear. "Maximise" actually means "make it as small as possible and still show everything." D'oh!

And yet (replying to myself) in Finale, hitting the green button make the window full screen, no matter the size of the page. Grr.


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