My screen is black and white

If there is no color on your computer display, one of the screen contrast effects in System Preferences may be turned on. There are two screen contrast effects: Switch to Black on White and Set Display to Grayscale. To return your screen to its regular appearance, make sure that both of them are turned off.

To turn off the contrast effect:
1. Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, and then click Universal Access.
2. Click Seeing.
3. If the Switch to Black on White button is visible, click it so it reads "Switch to White on Black."
4. If the Set Display to Color button is visible, click it so it reads "Set Display to Grayscale.

Andrew Stiller wrote:

Yesterday when shutting down my iMac, it did not at first shut down, but changed the display to graphite mode. When I pressed the shutdown keys again, shutdown took place normally.

Today I find the display is still in graphite, wh. is depressing as hell, and I can't get my colors back no matter what I do.

So far I have taken the following steps:

repaired permissions.

Checked out the Appearance panel, where "blue" is selected. I tried changing it to "graphite," restarted, changed it back to "blue" and restarted again. No luck.

Tried logging out and back in again. The logout screen is in color, and when I log in or restart the initial display is in color, but as soon as the desktop background appears, everything switches back to B&W.

Now what?

I find the current appearance almost unbearable. I am presently, for example, typing white letters on a black background. I just can't work like this. Help!

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

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