That's some serious kludging you're doing there!...

Unless anybody here can give some insider knowledge on how to get TG Tools to work for this, I think you really need to cut your losses and create the tremolos manually.

As for articulations on cross-staff notes, I've had that same problem before now. I ended up working-around by creating 'new' articulations which are copies of the originals, set up to either always be above or always below the stave, etc.

Composer and Erstwhile Holidaymaker wrote:

Hello Listers,

(I originally posted this from a non-member address so apologies if it appears more than once.)

I am having problems with the appearance of a cross-staff tremolo for piano. An example is at the following URL:

I created the tremolo on the lower staff (Piano I), used TGTools to create the appearance of the tremolo and then moved the second chord to the upper staff. The problem is that I want to move the tremolo lines between the staves but couldn't select them.

Subsequently I fiddled with the tremolo a bit more and discovered that the tremolo lines can be shifted and reshaped on cross-staff whole notes using the Beam Tool in the Special Tools...not terribly intuitive since whole notes don't have beams.

However, I have a related problem with quarter- and eighth-note cross-staff tremolandi as illustrated by the examples below:

In bar 260 the extra bit of stem on the third beat seems unmovable, at least the Stem Length Tool doesn't recognise it.

In bar 265 the loose piece of stem on the first beat is similarly unresponsive.

Any suggestions?

Further to these problems, when I assign articulations to the cross staff notes/chords, some of the time the articulations refuse to stay on the note-side and bounce back to the beam when I update the score.

Again, any suggestions to sort this out would be most appreciated.



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