At 08:40 AM 10/11/04 -0400, Christopher Smith wrote:
>If you have already tried optimising, you will have to REMOVE 
>optimisation before the Group Attributes can be changed. Then go back 
>and optimise again. I don't why it works like this. It just does.
>This little tidbit cost me several hours a year or two ago. Grr.

Warnings and advice messages are spare in Finale (though this may have
changed since 2K3, which I use).

I had an embarrassing moment just a few weeks due to my haste combined with
the lack of critical Finale warnings in part extraction (or even an
identification on the score that part extraction is turned on).

I had to make a change in a part for my orchestral piece in rehearsal --
just a small thing, moving to another player about 8 measures on the last
page of a part. I made the change in the part, printed it again, ran out
the door, and drove 120 miles to the rehearsal. Since it was on the last
page, I didn't check for page turns, or I would have noticed that ... yes,
I hadn't toggled part extraction off and on, so that change was still
hidden under the block rest. :(

Pen & ink came to the rescue until the next day. A little warning like this
might have helped: "Special part extraction is ON. Changes made within
hidden areas will not be visible. To show changes, re-extract this part."


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