On Oct 7, 2004, at 1:28 AM, Noel Stoutenburg wrote:

Hmmm. What OS? On WinFIN2k2, "Require confirmation after conversion" is the second line above the buttons on the bottom, on the left side of the box. I have that checked, and also have checked the box a couple of lines above, "open older versions as "untitled".

I'm running Mac OSX, but Fin Mac 2k2 runs in Classic, so I guess that's OS 9.

Your description of the options window doesn't match the window I get at all.

Anyway, I guess it doesn't matter much now. I just wanted to know what version the files were made in, and I got that from the File Info. I was just curious to know where the setting was; maybe it doesn't exist in the Mac version.


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