Well, I already had the uploader you pointed me to. Unfortunately this will not do. It can update firmware, but it won't work if the firmware chip is blank, as it seems to be here. I am not really sure how this happened but the bridge is recognized by the uploaders, but they simply cannot flash it.

Hi Johannes,

I believe that the uploader will flash a blank chip.... Grab the Manual (link is below) and check out chapter six: Uploading a Binary Image. (I've left the link below in this message) It talks about how to upload a binary image depending on the state of the chip....there is one state mentioned where the chip is blank and needs configuration info and the binary image, and another state mentioned where the configuration is there but there is no binary image...there are two other states mentioned as well but I don't think they apply to your situation.

<http://www.oxsemi.co.uk/cgi-bin/general/home.cgi> (look near the bottom - Oxsemi Uploader User Guide UG-0004

Let me know what happens!


Karen Guthery
Finale mailing list

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