On Monday, November 15, 2004, at 06:49 PM, Christopher Smith wrote:

On Monday, November 15, 2004, at 06:23 PM, Aaron Sherber wrote:


Can anyone with the 2005a update confirm that Engraver Tuplet bugs are fixed as listed in the Readme -- in particular, that tuplet numbers no longer avoid expressions "with undesirable results" and that the vertical position of the number no longer "varies greatly depending on the context"?

I don't know when the demo will be updated to 2005a, and I'd like to order Fin2005 if these bugs have actually been quashed.


I'll check it when I get home, but are you on Mac or PC? I'm on mac.


I tried it in Mac, and I can't get the number to behave badly under any circumstances in the way that it did before. If there is a specific test you would like me to try, I will, just explain it to me. This particular bug seems to be squashed, in my tests, anyway.

As for avoiding expressions, the tuplet doesn't seem to do that at all, but I don't remember it ever doing that. The number stays where it should in all cases that I tried, and I actually like the default angles of the brackets in most cases. With articulations or slurs, or both, is another story, though, as I need to adjust all of this by hand. The number looks good all the time, though.


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