When selecting an appropriate PS printer driver one usually *still* has to set its output page sizes, so this is really not the solution, either, he's looking for.
Finale indeed seems to be more interested (as said by some in earlier posts not on this topic) in bells and whistles rather than in the correct functioning of this and other important features of the program (rudimentary ones, in my opinion).
I've decided to stay with FinWin2003 until some *real* advances are made in the program. I know it means I have to continue nudging those *&^%$!  tuplet numbers, and have only one format option for extracting score pictures, and cuss a storm when I have large text blocks with various formatting to produce, and have to tweak color separations with addons to Acrobat, etc., etc...............  
In the meantime I'm making a few dollars here and there doing conversions like the ones Collins wants, but I'd be pleased to lose that income as a tradeoff for regaining so much wasted time manipulating things.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Finale] Back to EPS

Regarding my suggestion to use Ghostscript / Ghostview to create EPS
files from Finale, Richard Yates wrote, in part:

> Today I tried Finale --> Distiller --> GhostView --> Export eps.

but I would note that what I had in mind was installing the driver of a
postscript printer (e.g., HP 5100M, or Xerox 4525), setting said driver
to print to file, and creating the eps from the resulting  ~.ps  file.


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