On Sat, 20 Nov 2004 16:36:44 -0800, Richard Yates
> > There's only two kind of people on this planet,  Mac users and those who
> > cry and pray to become Mac users... ;-)
> There's only two kind of people on this planet,  Win users and those who
> always have to rebuild the desktop and disable extensions (whatever
> those mean).

Well, those necessities are relics of the old pre-OSX system.

However, while OSX is my favorite operating system (I recently bought
a PowerBook), I still do use my Windows machine pretty often. I don't
see any point to the Win-vs-Mac debate, as both have their strong

On the Mac side, is that EPS exporting from Finale works. On the Win
side, macro utilities are all but unnecessary because TGTools for
Windows includes a Keyboard Shortcut feature.

Brad Beyenhof
Finale mailing list

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