I think I may have been zapped by the file overwrite bug. I say "may" because I wasn't watching my actions too closely, but I'll try to reconstruct things below.

Incidentally, I use FinMac 2005a on a PowerMac G4/466, OS X 10.3.5, plenty of RAM, HD space, etc.

I was making two arrangements of the Wachet Auf tenor chorale, for string quartet and string trio. I had completed the trio version and closed it. I was working on the quartet version and wanted to copy over the bowings/articulations from the trio version from first violin part to first violin part. So I opened the trio score, copied the part, and pasted it into the quartet score. No problems.

Let me note, by the way, that both scores are called "score". I do this on all of my arrangements, keeping them in their own folders.

I don't use Autosave, but I do save every few minutes, before and after significant changes or completions. In this case I kept working on the quartet score, and when done I wanted to view the score in page view to set the title, composer etc. For some reason the view options to fit width and fit entire page on screen (I can't remember the exact menu titles) were greyed out and the key combos didn't work. Then I noticed that I couldn't select anything with mass mover and the title tool didn't work.

At this point I saved (or, at least, I gave the key command; I don't know if it actually saved), then quit the program, hoping that starting up again will return functionality to the program.

So what happened? When I restarted Finale and opened the quartet score, it was the *trio* score. The quartet score was gone and was now a complete duplicate of the trio score. This makes absolutely no sense!

Fortunately this wasn't a critical arrangement, but I did lose a couple of hours. (I can hear it now: "save different versions as you work." I'll be doing that from now on!). The awful thing is, I don't know what exactly caused it, so I'm not too confident to do other work in Finale for fear of losing work.

Does this sound like anything any of you have run into? Any thoughts? And yes, I have sent this in to Mac Support. I'll share whatever I learn from it.

Andrew Levin
Finale mailing list

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