Here in Hawaii we once had the power go down because a lizard fried itself
in a switchbox. Not quite squirrels, but they do the trick. We also have a
fair number of drivers who are not much smarter than squirrels. Not to
mention the construction company that plowed a back hoe into some
underground power cables that left us with out phone or power for about a day.

As far as the $30.00 model, I found it at CompUSA, and it was the bottom of
the line UPS from APC, a quite reputable manufacturer of power
conditioners. Actually, I only use that UPS for my TV, stereo, phone
answering machine, etc although it would work serviceably for a computer if
you have the discipline to shut down at the first site of trouble. This
model will probably see you through the minor nusiance brownouts and short
(less than 10 minutes) power flickers.

However, if you're like me and like to take your time to finish what you're
doing, you may want to get a more powerful UPS. I have a $150 model on my
own PC that I use at home. At work, I'm connected into the server UPS
(since I'm the system admin) but I still shut down at the first sign of

I've seen UPS equipment also in rack-mount (APC and Furman) that could
protect your electronic rack equipment (sound modules, reverb, etc).
Considering the cost of replacing that kind of equipment, I would also
consider getting at the very least a surge protector for any rack equipment.

At 02:28 PM 11/28/2004 -0500, John Howell wrote:

>I can confirm similar events in S.W. Virginia.  We have a serious ice 
>storm every year or two, that takes down branches and any trees that 
>have gotten weak since the last time, and takes down any nearby power 
>lines with them.  We have hurricanes (although never as fiercely as 
>the folks on the coastline) that do the same.  Our neighborhood has 
>underground power cables, but we're still at the mercy of the larger 
>local power grid.  And of course there are the squirels who 
>self-immolate in the transformers.  (I can't recall a case of a 
>driver taking out a pole; around here they seem to be marginally 
>smarter than the squirels!)  And the electrical storms in spring and 
>summer can be fierce.  The automatic breakers often fix the problem 
>within minutes, and our power company is pretty good about getting 
>crews out quickly and fixing things reasonably soon, but storm-caused 
>outages can cover large areas of geography, not all of it reasonably 
>accessible here in the mountains.  (For those in the West, translate 
>"mountains" as "hills."
>Sounds like your farm was in a rather protected part of the country! 
>And is\t sounds as if I should look seriously into getting a UPS for 
>the computer, besides the protected power strips I currently use. 
>Where is this $30 model, and does it really do the job?
>John & Susie Howell
>Virginia Tech Department of Music
>Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A 24061-0240
>Vox (540) 231-8411  Fax (540) 231-5034
Bruce K. H. Kau    [EMAIL PROTECTED]     'Aina Haina, Honolulu, Hawai'i
"Second star to the right, and straight on 'til morning ..."

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