I am not sure I understand what you mean. However, if you select all in the MassEdit tool (in page view) and press command-L, the systems are locked as they are at the moment. If you now change a measures width by respacing it will not mess up the layout. However, you will then manually have to sort out the systems if they are spaced too unevenly.


A-NO-NE Music wrote:
No, no.  My point was it then creates another problem when I alter any
measure width in the middle of the part.  The common result is that
second to the last system is stayed partial followed by one extra bar at
the last system which now is full page width.

Come to think of it, is there a quick key cmd, such as hotkey+DoubleClick
on the system to reset the partial system?  I can't seems to find that in
the manual.

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