At 12/13/2004 11:00 AM, John Poole [Finale Discussion] wrote:

>Anyone who use a Windows email program should consider Thunderbird as
>the better alternative.  I have no negative opinions about Microsoft's
>email client (and not much experience), however, the critical problem
>that makes it an *unacceptable* choice is that Microsoft tries to
>integrate their email clients with their applications -- and this
>feature is precisely what is leveraged by malicious people trying to
>plant spyware or other code in your system.
>If you value the security of your computer, you would do well not to use
>Microsoft's email clients.  Thunderbird does not have the Microsoft type
>of integration or achitecture (i.e., programs that automatically launch
>from the email client) and therefore does not pose as much a security
>hazard; moreover, Thunderbird also offers a robust email experience.
>Thunderbird's isolation from your system integration is, in my opinion,
>the compelling reason why it is the better choice.  At one major
>software company, use of Microsoft email clients was prohibited for this
>very reason: it can be a gateway for malicious code.
>Lastly, if you value your privacy and do not want to alert spammers that
>your email addressis alive and well, do not open email in html view
>(with links resolved) until you are certain that it does not contain
>hidden link-back references; instead use the menu command:
>View-Message Source [Ctrl-U].  Doing so will prevent any hidden
>link-backs (a trick which even reputable companies are now starting to
>use) from being activated.
>And, of course, Thunderbird's junk mail processing is a welcomed
>feature.  I realize this is not Finale related, but the door has been
>opened and I feel this is a critical point for anyone interested in
>matters of email.

Good point, however, Eudora is a MUCH better email client.

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