> I downloaded Adobe Reader 7 from VersionTracker and substituted it
> for Adobe Reader 6 for use by the Finale User Manual. It's MUCH
> faster than Reader 6, which you all know has been  S - L - O - W !
> Items come up within about 3 seconds.

I've just upgraded to Adobe Reader 7 and my startup times are similar to yours, 
if not a little faster, maybe under 2 seconds. What a refreshing change!

> I was strongly irritated when, while installing FIN 2005, I decided
> to go ahead and install Acrobat Reader 6, only to find that AR6 would
> not install without my upgrading IE.

I'm guessing you're on Windows as MS Internet Explorer development ended on the 
Mac some time ago. Mac users shouldn't worry, I certainly wasn't forced into 
upgrading anything when upgrading Adobe Reader in OSX - it's well worth doing.

Simon Troup
Digital Music Art

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