On Dec 28, 2004, at 8:19 AM, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

At 10:24 AM 12/28/04 +0000, Simon Troup wrote:
does anyone get work via the web?!

Almost all of my current work has originated there, and then goes to
word-of-mouth. There's not much of any kind because I specialize in new
nonpop. But heck, I'm on the Discovery Channel with a clip of my opera
coming up February 8, all because of my websites! (And I got a free trip to
Europe out of that!)


Well, your websites ARE exceptional, so there is no surprise there. There are so many slick, polished sites out there reeking of spin and salesmanship from which one can come away knowing nothing at all about the person or the subject, whereas yours are full of personality, not to mention great content in a whole slew of areas (that's CONtent, rather than conTENT.) When I start my site, yours will serve as a philosophical model.


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