A bulk font substitution problem:

Apple used to licence the Zapf Chancery font from ITC, but starting w. OSX, they've stopped doing that, and created a similar font called Apple Chancery to take its place. The formerly-licensed Zapf Chancery will not display in OSX, and cannot be opened in Fontographer.

My logo contains a big, outline capital K from the Zapf Chancery font. The equivalent Apple Chancery character won't do, so I created a new font, Klogo, that contains only that particular K, modified so as to closely resemble the original Zapf Chancery K.

What I need to do now is a bulk font substitution in every file I have (thousands of them) that contains my logo. Unfortunately, merely switching fonts won't do, as the K needs to be both repositioned and resized after the substitution. The new size and position will be the same in every case.

Question: is there any way I can do all this in bulk to all the affected files simulatneously? If not, what can I do instead? I looked into purchasing Zapf Chancery from ITC, but found that the font in question a) would have a different name (ITC Zapf Chancery Medium), and b) would not be identical to Apple's licensed version of the font in any case.


Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press

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