At 03:29 PM 12/31/2004, Taris L Flashpaw wrote:
>    I was wondering if there was any way to make time signatures display
>without the denominator. ie: Instead of 16/8, just have '16' centered on
>the staff.

I can think of a couple of ways.

If you want this throughout the whole piece, first define your time sigs so they display with the same number for top and bottom. So if you have a 16/8 bar, set it to display as 16/16. You have to do this for all time sigs.

Then in Document Options | Time Signatures, adjust the vertical adjustment for top and bottom numbers until you get them to coincide. For a normal height system, it looks like you want -24 EVPU for top and +24 EVPU for bottom.

Alternatively, you could leave your 16/8 sig to display as 16/8, adjust the top number to display centered in the staff, and give the bottom number some huge displacement to push it off the page. This would be less work, since you wouldn't have to give all your time sigs an alternate display.

You could also do this with expressions in place of time sigs. This is much more work, since it requires blank characters for the Finale-generated time sigs, so that the correct space is given, plus expressions placed at each time change, but I think it's the only way to get this effect if you only want it for part of the piece.

Hope this helps.


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