At 01:17 PM 01/13/2005, Geoffrey Whittall wrote:
>I'm using Finale Mac 2004, and there's something I've never been able to =
>    figure out, over several generations of use. When I set the page margins
>    in a typical piece of software, nothing gets printed by the software =
>    outside of those margins. With Finale, the left page margin in page =
>    layout runs just along the left side of any system that touches the =
>    margin, but to the right of any piano braces. I can set the page margin,
>    but  (e.g.) names of instruments or piano braces might print, even if =
>    they are outside of the page margin.

Yes, this is all true. The page margins define the left and right ends of a system on the page. In addition to braces or instrument names, you might have measure numbers which print to the left of the page margin, if they are defined with a negative horizontal offset. It's also true that this runs somewhat counter to many people's expectations.

>    Can anyone describe the relationship in Finale between the page margins
>    set in the page layout tool, and the page margins set in page setup? =

On Win, when I go into Page Setup from Finale, the page margin boxes are greyed out. If they are not greyed out on Mac, that's probably a mistake. I don't think Finale looks at those settings.


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