On 15 Jan 2005, at 07:47 AM, dhbailey wrote:

I don't think the number of times you crack the case open matters

Actually, it matters because:

-- do it once and your warranty is void.

Not if you don't break anything. At least, that's what the Apple people at MWSF have been telling us.

Like I said, I think it's effectively a nudge-nudge-wink-wink policy. They don't want just anyone opening up the Minis, which is why they made the case difficult to open (compared to the other models) and adopted an official policy of "All installations must be done by certified Apple technicians." I think they *especially* don't want newbies (the Mini's target market) opening it up and shorting the RAM with static, or damaging the DIMM slot with carelessness, or putting in below-spec RAM and then complaining about how their computer is all flaky. And since the Mini is unique in Apple's line in that it has only a single RAM slot, if something goes wrong, then you're *really* screwed.

At the same time, Apple seems to have (uncharacteristically) gone out of their way to convey to "in-the-know" users the following message:

"Okay, we know we're charging an outrageous amount to put 1 GB of RAM in these things. And we know you're probably going to try to open the damn thing anyway, just on general principle. So here's the deal -- we won't void your warranty if you don't break anything trying to get the cover off. If you flawlessly upgrade your own RAM, and 11 months later, through no fault of your own, your HD fails, we won't refuse to honor your warranty just because we notice you've got third-party RAM in there. However, if you end up cracking the motherboard with a metal screwdriver, that's your problem."

I agree with your desire not to open the case often, however, in that the less frequently you crack it open, the less likely you are to damage something else.

That's what I've been saying, yo.

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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