At 07:07 AM 1/22/05 +0100, d. collins wrote:
>By the way, I think Finale recommends the PS fonts for laser printers, and 
>the TT version for inkjet printers. Does anyone know why? Does anyone 
>follow this recommendation?

I use PS fonts for everything (and can avoid Windows-specific fonts)
because I have Adobe Type Manager under Win98SE. (Later versions of Windows
read PS, yes?) I also convert my custom/customized TT fonts (using Font
Creator 5) to PS (with the ttf2 and refont programs).

I go through all that because some print shops I work with are legacy Mac,
and they get all righteous when they see TT in the font listings. Anything
that doesn't work immediately gets blamed on TT, so I can avoid the
font-finger-pointing arguments by embedding PS fonts for them. Then they
take me more seriously. :) But practically I've never seen any difference
in the output between my lasers or inkjets, or from the shops running Macs
vs. places like Mailboxes or Staples running Windows. (Most of my press
work is not music, though.)

(The other) Dennis

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