On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 12:26:22 -0500, John Howell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 4:04 PM -0600 1/28/05, Allen Fisher wrote:
> >On 1/28/05 1:59 PM, "Harold Owen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> saith:
> >
> >>  Hello Finale Wizards.
> >>
> >>  I have a few questions about the new HP plug-in. I'm on an iMac G4
> >>  running Fin2k5a with I GB RAM and 800 MHz.
> OK, I'll admit my ignorance.  What the heck is HP?  Hewlet-Packard?
> That's the only thing that comes to mind.  Apparently I'm the only
> one who doesn't know, since nobody bothers to define it.


This thread is referring to Human Playback, the "humanizing"
interpreter for dynamics and articulations, present in Finale since
version 2004.

Brad Beyenhof
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