I haven't followed this whole thread, so forgive me if
I'm reinventing the wheel ...

I think it's a shame when folk prefer recordings to
live performances. Sometimes it is only because they
have not experienced live music, or not often enough.

Some young people have huge expectations of live
performances, expecting them to sound the same as a

And, as a music teacher in schools for 18 years, and
of piano students for 36 years [many of those
concurrent, may I hasten to add!] I find kids hate
classical music because their experience of it is of
10 seconds on TV or radio, or on a CD in a music
classroom. I think many more would be hooked, if we
could get 'em to concerts.

I always loved Vaughan Williams Fantasia on a theme of
Thomas Tallis, but on hearing it live, discovered it
was performed by 2 string orchestras, facing one
another. It was a completely different experience to
listening to a CD.

Also enjoyed William Tell Overture, though recordings
often feature only the Lone Ranger bit! But in a live
concert, to see the choir of cellos in the front of
the orchestra for the beginning section, gives a whole
different feeling than listening on a CD.

David McKay

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