Really interesting and excellent essay, Dennis -- and please don't read a single iota of irony into my statement.    You make some rather fascinating pronouncements,  such as your premise that (and I quote:) 
"Contemporary schlock of any genre (even music as tune, jingle, hook or word-painting) has as much or more to say to us than does Mozart."   
Really?   Merely citing your quote will do, arguments to the contrary are probably flowing with fecundity through the minds of anyone even as cerebrally-feeble as myself.     I was also taken by your line - with your own italics, not mine:
"Music of our own time" does not refer exclusively to the so-called avant-garde or some sort of groundbreaking "new music." It means, quite simply, any music newly composed, whether or not that music is old-fashioned or newfangled. It is unarguable that contemporary culture makes its way into newly composed music (even by those such as Sorabji, who would pretend to be a hermit), and it is contemporaneity -- the continuum informed by tradition but born in the present -- that is the subject here.
Am I to interpret that philosophy to mean that if I were to (say) write a work completely in the 'old-fashioned' idiom, formal structure and utter sound of the Brahms Fourth  and call it "Music of our own time" simply because it was newly written by me --  it would meet your criteria by being of worthy value?    And would therefore be sanctioned by you as being performable?    Inarguably?    Conversely, if a new work of mine is not old-fashioned, but breaks down all doors and is a true, avant-garde masterwork?    What's the statute of limitations before it -- and I become a mere not-to-be-performed DW(A)M and my work is then never to be performed again, ever ever ever?    My death?    And if I were to die tomorrow, what then?    The work is merely a day old and yet I -- I am a dead composer of the past!   What then?  
Hhmmmmm.   Please don't mis-interpret my reaction; again - in response I find your piece to be absolutely fascinating.   But I can only respond with my premise of: thesis/antithesis -- perhaps the outcome needs to rest on <synthesis.>
I hope to not be glib in interpreting your argument thus: you seem to believe in throwing out the baby exclusively because it's older than the bathwater.   We differ; I believe in keeping both and seeing how the kid grows up.   You argue that we must simply break the shackles of all music from the past simply because it was written by DWEM.   Toss it all; play only music by the L(iving)R(ainbow-complecked)U(universally-geographically-distributed)N(on)-S(exually)-C(ategorizable) or: LRUN-S-C.   Play their music exclusively <because> it's by LRUN-S-C but not because any other criteria, such as if it communicates, if it is of somewhat more- than-narrow artistic value, if -- it's -- (uh-oh) good.
I'll keep programming music by whomever, written whenever....if -- it's -- (uh-oh) good.    Who gets to decide what's good?    Easy!   ME.    You want to decide what's good?  Great!!   Play your idea of good, create an ensemble and have them play your good, and have a great time!    If old is good, GREAT!    If new is good, GREAT!    And if someone can pry me away from my font key, even better.
Les Marsden
Founding Music Director and Conductor,
The Mariposa Symphony Orchestra
Music and Mariposa?  Ahhhhh, Paradise!!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Finale] LONG - SORRY - Performance/recording

At 12:10 PM 1/30/05 -0500, John Howell wrote:

>>Canned, synthesized orchestra?    Interesting
>>concept -- for some sort of necrophilharmonic.
>Oh Les, I LOVE that word!!!  Well done!

Hey! Those must be orchestras who play DWEM stuff, because "necrosones" are
their listeners. Reference my essay from 1992, "It's Time to Bury the Dead"



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